
Ilija Barukcic

Unified Field Theory.

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Unfied field theory, a theory of energy, time and space

Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist, revolutionised our thinking about

matter, energy, space and time.

But gravity and electromagnetism are aspects of a common phenomenon

and occupied Einstein's scientific thoughts until he died in 1955.

Albert Einstein worked to unify gravity and electromagnetism,

he tried to develop the classical unified field equations for

gravity and electromagnetism using Riemannian quaternions.

but he did not succeed on this matter.


Einstein did not succed to unify gravity and electromagnetism


In so far, set Rab = 0. (Recall, Rab denotes the Ricci tensor in Einstein's field equation)

In General, Rab = 0 implies something like a vacuum solution of Einstein's field equation.

In so far, if Tab = 0 ( Tab denotes the stress-energy tensor), there are some questions.


One part of Einstein's field equation is known to be something like

... + ((8*(pi)*(Newton's constant gamma)))/(c*c*c*c)*(Tab)

Thus, if Tab = 0, Newtons's constant gamma must become zero too!

On the other hand, if Newtons's constant gamma can change at least to zero,

how can the same be a constant?

Newtons's constant gamma can change!!!! or can be changed!!!!


Causality and the unified field theory

Causality and the unified field theory are deeply interrelated.

Causality cannot be separated from the unifed field.

Causality is the foundation for the unification of general relativity theory

and quantum mechancis into a one and unified field theory.

The announced separate book about the unified field theory

is part of the fifth edition of causality and

will not be published separately.


In so far, parts concernig the unification of gravity and electromagnetism

are published inside the fifth edition of causality.

The foundations of the unified field theory,

a theory of energy, time and space,

are published inside causality, 2008, Volume 2, pp. 735-801.

Clearly, some parts concerning the unified field theory are highly speculative

and thus still not proved but only assumed.

At the end, it appears to be that the Ricci scalar is a sepcial "thing".

The Ricci scalar appears to be a dual "thing", its self and equally its own other,"

its opposite.


If this assumption should hold true, the consequences are clear.

There must exist something like an anti-lambda,

a opposite to Eintein's cosmological constant ( lamda ).



Bohr's principle of complementarity appears to be valid in

general relativity too which leads straight forward to the necessity of

to use of the principle of quantum superposition in general relativity.


This, and much more can be found in Causality. A theory of energy, time and space

Vol. 1 and Vol. 2




Nobel prize

The London School of Economics and Political Science:

Lakatos Award in Philosophy of Science

Mail to: T.E.SCURFIELD@LSE.AC.UK Mail to: l.toseland@lse.ac.uk

The International Mathematical Union

The Fields Medal Email: proposals@fields.utoronto.ca

Rolf Nevanlinna Prize

Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize for Applications of Mathematics

The European Science Foundation

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E-Mail: Barukcic@t-online.de

Ilija Barukcic

Brumunder Ring 91

DE-26388 Fedderwarden.

GMT + 1 h

Phone: +49-4423-99 11 11


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Last revision: January 18th 2006.